Tuesday, March 7, 2017

WWE WrestleMania 33 predictions, matches, rumors,location

 wrestlemania 33

The Road to WrestleMania is long and windy, and there may be plenty that changes between now and when WrestleMania 33 begins on Sunday, April 2 in Orlando, Florida.
Until then, CBS Sports is here to answer some of your most pressing question about WWE’s biggest show of the year, including which matches may be on the four-hour card and how to purchase tickets for the Granddaddy of Them All.

              WrestleMania 33 matches

Universal Championship -- Goldberg (c) vs. Brock Lesnar: As expected, Goldberg beat Kevin Owens at Fastlane for the title, putting this clash between two part-time superstars with a combined age of 89 as the main event for WWE’s signature show each year.

WWE Championship -- Bray Wyatt (c) vs. Randy Orton: This is technically not official as Orton will face AJ Styles at SmackDown Live on Tuesday to determine the No. 1 contender, but Orton won the Royal Rumble and is obviously in the middle of a program with Wyatt. WWE felt the need to take the long road to get here despite Orton earning the shot at the Rumble, but it’ll still work out this way in the end.

Raw Women’s Championship -- Bayley (c) vs. Charlotte Flair vs. Sasha Banks: There was little doubt that WWE was headed this way but what remains to be seen is whether Nia Jax finds her way into this bout. However, these three have incredible chemistry despite having a penchant for missed spots, and this match could be a highlight on the card.

United States Championship -- Chris Jericho (c) vs. Kevin Owens: This match was a shoe-in for WrestleMania as soon as Jericho agreed on Owens’ behalf to fight Goldberg for the universal title. Glad to see the title will be on the line here and won’t be surprised if some stipulation is added before the big show.

             WrestleMania 33 predictions

Seth Rollins vs. Triple H: Contingent on Rollins’ health after he tore his MCL following an attack by Samoa Joe on Raw. Rollins recently returned to Raw and said he would be at WrestleMania, though he is still recovering from the knee injury. If he is somehow not cleared in time, I could see Joe roughing him up before the match and a replacement (Finn Balor?) shocking the world with a return to fill in for Rollins.

The Undertaker vs. Roman Reigns: First teased in the Royal Rumble, Taker-Reigns looks to be set-up perfectly now that WWE has allowed Reigns to dispatch of Braun Strowman at Fastlane and stand up to Taker on Raw (only to be chokeslammed). The Dead Man makes sense as the next obstacle for him to overcome. A triple threat with Strowman would be odd, but it would also give Taker some rest time in what could be a powerful spot-filled match.

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AJ Styles vs. Shane McMahon: The way this goes down is if Styles feels McMahon screwed him out of an earned title match at WrestleMania. This could develop over the next few weeks into a street fight, cage match, etc. so it may wind up being a highlight on the card if built properly.

John Cena & Nikki Bella vs. The Miz & Maryse: Cena won the WWE title at Royal Rumble and may be relegated to a mixed tag match with his girlfriend against one of his oldest rivals and his wife at WrestleMania? It sure looks that way, particularly with how the storyline has developed over the last two weeks.

Intercontinental Championship -- Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Baron Corbin: There’s a lot of ways WWE can go with this match, but the IC title is being wasted right now on Ambrose. Corbin made his presence known one year ago at WrestleMania and could walk out of Orlando with one of the company’s most prestigious titles. Dolph Ziggler is another option to challenge Ambrose, which would perhaps put Corbin back in the battle royal for a chance to defend his trophy.

Raw Tag Team Championship -- Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson (c) vs. Enzo Amore & Big Cass and Cesaro & Sheamus: There is a No. 1 contenders match next week on Raw to determine the challenger for this match but something tells me we end up with a cloudy finish and triple threat tag team match as a way to get all six guys involved. If one team does win, I’m guessing it’s Amore and Cass as their first title win coming in Orlando would be tremendous. Plus, Cesaro and Sheamus could still fight in the battle royal or against each other.
SmackDown Women’s Championship -- Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Becky Lynch: With Naomi having relinquished her belt after being sidelined due to injury, this obvious match presents itself.
SmackDown Tag Team Championship -- American Alpha (c) vs. The Usos: The real build for this match started on Tuesday night, and it should reach a pitch of intensity by the time WrestleMania actually rolls around.

Big Show vs. Shaquille O’Neal: O’Neal surprised fans by appearing in the battle royal at last year’s WrestleMania, and the talk since then has been a potential showdown with WWE’s biggest superstar. Both parties have been jawing with each other as of late, seemingly because the match may not be happening, but it could also just be a diversion. If Taker-Reigns goes down and Show-Shaq does not, Show-Strowman would be an interesting superheavyweight affair.
Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal: Participants would be determined at a later date if WWE decides to hold this match for the fourth straight year.

WrestleMania 33 week will go down in Orlando for the second time this year. WrestleMania XXIV was previously held in Orlando in 2008. The week will include the big show itself along with a Raw the following night, special NXT event, Hall of Fame ceremony and fan Axxess events.


orlando florida

WrestleMania 33 week will go down in Orlando for the second time this year. WrestleMania XXIV was previously held in Orlando in 2008. The week will include the big show itself along with a Raw the following night, special NXT event, Hall of Fame ceremony and fan Axxess events.

Raw -- Monday, April 3 at 7:30 p.m. -- Amway Center

WrestleMania 33 -- Sunday, April 2 at 5:30 p.m. -- Camping World Stadium

NXT TakeOver -- Saturday, April 1 at 8 p.m. -- Amway Center

WWE Hall of Fame -- Friday, March 31 at 7:30 p.m. -- Amway Center

Axxess -- March 30-April 3 -- Orange County Convention Center

Thursday, March 30: 6 p.m.
Friday, March 31: 5 p.m.
Saturday, April 1: 8 a.m., 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Sunday, April 2: 8 a.m.